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subpub provides a minimalistic, thread-safe, publish-subscribe API for single-process Python applications.

  • The source code is available on GitHub.


The example below demonstrates basic usage.

# Create an instance of the message broker
>>> from subpub import SubPub
>>> sp = SubPub()

# Subscribe to a topic (= any string or regular expression).
# The returned queue `q` is used to retrieve published data:
>>> q = sp.subscribe(r'/food/(\w+)/order-(\d+)')

# Publish any data to topic:
>>> sp.publish('/food/pizza/order-66', "beef pepperoni")

# Get the published data from the queue:
>>> match, data = q.get()
>>> data
'beef pepperoni'

# The queue always receives the regexp `match` object as well.
# It can be used to see how the topic matched and get groups:
>>> match.groups()
('pizza', '66')

# Get the published topic:
>>> match.string

See test cases in test_subpub.py for more examples.

Key features

  • SubPub’s methods subscribe, unsubscribe, unsubscribe_all and publish are thread-safe.

  • Subscribers use regular experssions to filter on topic.

  • Subscribers receive published data through queues. (There is no built-in mechanism to register callbacks.)

  • When an queue is garbage collected, unsubscribe is executed automatically (because SubPub only keeps a weak reference to the subscribers’ queues).

  • Publishers can post any Python object as message.

  • Publishers can use retain=True to store a message (as in MQTT).


From PyPI:

$ python3 -m pip install subpub


class subpub.SubPub(queue_factory=<class '_queue.SimpleQueue'>, *, timeout=None)

A threadsafe message broker with publish/subscribe API.

This class implements four methods:

  1. subscribe - listen to topic and retrieve data throuh a queue.

  2. unsubscribe - stop listening on topic.

  3. unsubscribe_all - stop listening on all topics.

  4. publish - post data to subscribers’ queues.


>>> sp = SubPub()
>>> q = sp.subscribe('helloworld')

>>> sp.publish('helloworld', 123)

>>> match, data = q.get()
>>> print(data)

>>> print(match.string)
__init__(queue_factory=<class '_queue.SimpleQueue'>, *, timeout=None)

Initialization of SubPub instance.


>>> sp = SubPub()
>>> print(sp)
SubPub(queue_factory=SimpleQueue, timeout=None)
  • queue (Callable) – Default queue factory. If used, this parameter must be a callable which returns an instance of a queue-like object (implements get/put with timeout keyword argument). Used whenever a client subscribes unless the client provides its own queue. Defaults to queue.SimpleQueue.

  • timeout (float) – Default timeout used for subscribe/publish when not specified. Used when putting data in client’s queues.

publish(topic: str, data=None, *, retain=False, timeout=None)

Publish data to topic.

This method loops through the clients subscribed regex-topics and searches for a match on topic. If there is a match, the re.Match and data objects will be wrapped in a Msg, which then will be put in the client’s subscription queue.


>>> sp = SubPub()
>>> sp.publish('helloworld', data='Hi, there!')
>>> sp.publish('helloworld', 'Hi, new client', retain=True)

The boolean returned, in this case False, indicates if it existed at least one client that received the data.

  • topic (str) – Topic string the data will be published to.

  • data (any Python object) – Data to be published.

  • retain (bool) – If true, the published data will be remembered. Each client that subscribes to a regex-topic matching this topic, will immediately receive the retained data when they subscribe. To stop this behavior, make a publish to the same topic with data None and retain True.

  • timeout (float) – Timeout when putting published data in subscribers’ queues. The behavior is client specific and depends what type of queue the client uses. If timeout is a positive number, and the default queue queue.SimpleQueue is used, the publish blocks at most timeout seconds and raises the queue.Full exception if no free slot was available within that time. If timeout is None, block if necessary until a free slot is available. Defaults to self.timeout.


Returns True if a subscribed client queue existed and the data was successfully put in that queue. If no receiver was found, return False.

Return type


subscribe(topic: str, *, queue=None, timeout=None, **args)

Subscribe to topic and receive published data in queue.

If topic is a string, it will be compiled to a regular expression using topic = re.compile(topic).

A custom receiver queue can be provided. If not, a new one will be created by self.queue_factory with the optional **args arguments.

When data is published to a topic which matches the this topic, the queue will receive an instance of Msg which contains the regex-match object and the data.

Subscribe to plain string:

>>> sp = SubPub()
>>> q1 = sp.subscribe('helloworld')

Subscribe to regex:

>>> q2 = sp.subscribe(r'sensor/\d+/temperature')

Subscribe to regex with named groups:

>>> q3 = sp.subscribe(r'worker/(?P<id>\d+)/(?P<status>done|error)')

The MqttTopic class can be used to build topics using MQTT syntax for wildcards:

>>> t = MqttTopic('sensor/+/temperature/#')
>>> t.as_regexp()
>>> q4 = sp.subscribe(t)
  • topic (str or re.Pattern) – Regular expression that match topics of interest. If a string, the topic will be compiled to a regular expression with topic = re.compile(topic).

  • queue (Queue like object.) – An instance of a queue-like object (implements get/put with timeout keyword argument). Will be used as receiver queue for published data. If used not, a new one will be created by self.queue_factory with the optional **args arguments.

  • timeout (float) – Timeout when putting retained data in subscriber’s queue. The behavior is client specific and depends what type of queue the client uses. If timeout is a positive number, and the default queue queue.SimpleQueue is used, the publish blocks at most timeout seconds and raises the queue.Full exception if no free slot was available within that time. If timeout is None, block if necessary until a free slot is available. Defaults to self.timeout.


Queue instance which will receive published data whenever the published topic matches the subscribers regex-topic. The data is wrapped together with the re.Match object in an instance of Msg.

Return type

Queue-like object.

unsubscribe(topic: str)bool

Unsubscribe to topic.


topic (str or re.Pattern) – Same as for subscribe.


Returns False if the caller wasn’t actually subscribed, otherwise True.

Return type



Unsubscribe to all clients


Returns the number of topics that got unsubscribed.

Return type


class subpub.Msg(match, data)

Msg is the item sent/received in subscriber’s queues.

It carries the regular experssion re.Match object and the published data (data can be any Python object).

property data

Alias for field number 1

property match

Alias for field number 0

class subpub.ExceptionAwareQueue

Raise exception instances when received in queue.

This is useful if you want to publish an exception instance to a client and have it raised automatically when the client receives it by calling .get().

get(block=True, timeout=None)

If item retrived is an Exception instance - raise it.


Same as get() but with block=False.

class subpub.MqttTopic(seq)

String which represents a topic in MQTT format.

Instead of normal Python regex, the MQTT wildcards, ‘+’ and ‘#’, can be used instead.

An instance of MqttTopic can be used as topic argument to the SubPub methods. It will be converted to a regular expression automatically:

>>> MqttTopic('room/3/sensor/+/temperature/#').as_regexp()

Replace MQTT wildcards and return regular expression.

class subpub.AsyncSubPub(queue_factory=<class 'asyncio.queues.Queue'>, *, timeout=None)

Asynchronous implementation of SubPub.

It has the same API as SubPub but is based on the asyncio paradigm.

__init__(queue_factory=<class 'asyncio.queues.Queue'>, *, timeout=None)

Initialization of AsyncSubPub instance.

async publish(topic: str, data=None, *, retain=False, timeout=None)

Publish data to topic.

async subscribe(topic: str, *, queue=None, timeout=None, **args)

Subscribe to topic and receive published data in queue.

async unsubscribe(topic: str)bool

Unsubscribe to topic.

async unsubscribe_all()int

Unsubscribe to all clients

class subpub.AsyncExceptionAwareQueue(maxsize=0, *, loop=None)

Asynchronous ExceptionAwareQueue

async get()

If item retrived is an Exception instance, raise it.


Same as get() but not blocking.